Fee Considerations

Von Langen, LLC is committed to delivering reliable results at reasonable rates. For your consideration, we offer fee schedules that are based upon requests received from our clients over the years. Please let us know if we can help you determine what method of compensation best suits your budget and preference for your individual case.
Hourly Rate
A preliminary evaluation of the case is performed and we present you with an estimate of the effort we believe will be necessary to complete the investigation. If Von Langen, LLC does not complete the investigation within the allotted time, we provide you with an interim report and await your further authorization to proceed.
Percentage-Based Contingency
In cases where missing or unknown heirs are entitled to assets, Von Langen, LLC can conduct a search for the missing heir on a contingency basis, so that other claimants’ shares are not reduced as a result of the cost to locate the missing heir. In this method of payment, only heirs who benefit financially from the investigation are responsible for the fee.
When examining your case, we provide guidance as to which particular fee structure is appropriate for your situation. For example, in cases that require Von Langen, LLC to conduct investigations overseas, we typically recommend contingency fees over hourly rates, as accessing and researching international records often proves time-consuming and expensive.
For more information on our current fees, or to obtain a custom quote for your particular case, contact Von Langen, LLC today.